No time to spend hours at the
gym? Not all of us have time to spend two or three hours in the gym, or we
simply just don’t want to. Here are some of my go to workouts when I need to
get in a quick yet effective workout. In this case interval training and circuits
are going to be your best friend.
Kill two birds with one stone
using compound exercises
Compound exercises
incorporate multiple muscle groups instead of isolating one particular group
for a time saving strategy that also torches fat and calories.
Sample exercises:
1. Squat with an Overhead Press
Stand with feet about shoulder
width apart with dumbbells in each hand and elbows raised shoulder height bent at
90 degrees. Squat down until knees are bent at least 90 degrees (leading with
your Glutes). As you stand up to the starting
position, press dumbbells up overhead and repeat.
2. Lunge with a Bicep Curl (as pictured above)
Stand with feet about hip width apart and a dumbbell
in each hand by your sides and take a large step forward making sure your knee is
bent 90 degrees and does not come past your toes with the back leg inches
from touching the floor. Simultaneously raise both dumbbells into a bicep
curl. Take a step back into the starting position and repeat on the opposite
3. Step Ups with a Bicep Curl
Using a box, step,
or park bench, stand with a dumbbell in each hand by your sides and curl both
weights upwards as you take a step up onto the box (one foot and then the
next). Once both feet are on the platform, return to the floor one foot at a
time and repeat
4. Sumo Squat with a Tricep Extension
Stand with feet wider
apart than regular squat position and feet pointed outwards. Hold a weight (kettle bell, dumbbell, medicine
ball, etc.) overhead with both hands, elbows
should be facing forward on either side of your face. Begin to squat down and
lower the weight behind your head making sure that your elbows do not flare
outwards, then return to starting position with weight overhead and repeat.
5. Stability Ball Knee Tuck
with a Push Up
Set yourself up in a
plank position on the palms of your hands balancing a medicine ball under your
shins. Tuck in knees, rolling the ball in towards your chest then roll
them back into a plank and proceed into a push up with elbows bent at 90
degrees then repeat (alternating the tucks and push ups)
6. Bridge with a Tricep Extension
Lie on the floor facing
up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip width apart, holding a
dumbbell in each hand near either side of your head and elbows pointed upward.
Lift hip up towards the ceiling, squeezing your Glutes, while simultaneously
raising both dumbbells overhead. Return to starting position and repeat.
7. Plank Row
Begin in a plank position with feet about hip width
apart (for stability) and two weights in hand (shoulder width apart). Lift one
weight up towards your torso into a row with elbows coming straight back up
towards the ceiling, return to starting position then repeat on the opposite
arm then continue alternating each side. Remember to hold your core tight so it
is not twisting as you row.
8. Side lunge with a Front Raise
Begin standing with feet
together and a dumbbell in each hand by
your sides. Take a large step out to one side so the stepping leg is bent at 90
degrees and the other leg is straight, pushing your Glutes back while
simultaneously raising both dumbbells out in front of you so they are at
shoulder height. Return to starting position then repeat on the opposite leg
and continue alternating each side.
Kicking it up a notch
Cardio alternatives that get
your heart rate up while also incorporating strength training.
Sample Exercises:
1. Box Jumps
Stand in front of a sturdy box, step, park bench, etc. and jump both feet up onto
the box and assume a standing position on top, then lower yourself back down to
the ground and repeat.
2. Kettle bell Swings (as pictured above)
Stand with feet shoulder width apart (or slightly
wider) and hold a kettle bell with both hands in between your legs with arms straight
and relaxed. Squat down swinging the kettle bell behind your legs then swing it
up overhead and return to a standing position using your hips and
core to help thrust the weight forward instead of your arms.
3. Double Jump Ropes
Jump rope
so that the rope makes two full revolutions before your feet touch the ground
in between jumps.
4. Burpees
Begin standing then
bend down toward the ground placing hands on the floor and jump feet back into
a plank position then jump feet back towards the hand and return to a standing
position (add in a jump for a more intermediate move) and repeat.
5. Kettle bell Farmer Runs
across a given distance with arms by your sides with a kettlebell in each hand,
keeping your chest up and back straight
6. Barbell High Knees
Hold a
barbell behind your head, racking it on your shoulders and continue straight
into high knees alternating each knee up toward your chest
7. Alternating Jumping Lunges
Come into a lunging position and hop into an alternate lunge with the opposite leg out in
For Your Cardio Fix
20 minute treadmill intervals
2 minute warm up at a
comfortable pace (Hint: You should be able to have a conversation)
16 minutes of alternating
between 30 sec. sprints and 30 sec. of light jogging (Ex. 5 mph to 6.5 mph)
2 minute cool down
20 minute elliptical
2 minute warm up at a
comfortable pace (Hint: You should be able to have a conversation)
16 minute intervals: Repeat
cycles of 30 seconds jogging, 20 seconds running, 10 seconds sprinting (Ex. 10
- Crossramp, 6 - Resistance)
2 minute cool down
These intervals can be
applied to any kind form of cardio such as stationary cycling or rowing. Don’t
be afraid to take these intervals outdoors for some fresh air.
Sample routine:
Complete 3 rounds:
Barbell high knees - 20 sec.
Stability ball knee tucks
with a push up - 12 reps
Box jumps - 10 reps
Sumo squat with a tricep
extension - 12 reps
Set ups with bicep curls - 8
reps on each leg (16 reps total)
Kettle bell swings - 10 reps
Kimi Ma
Great workout much useful for result oriented body fitness with great set of exercises that one should actually work for using fitness equipments like kettlebell workouts, speed cable jump rope, etc.