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According to David Katz, MD, "diet is the fuel that runs the complex human machine and all of its parts, including the immune system."
Exercise aids in the stimulation of those immune cells that attack cold infections. Just don't overdo it! High intensity workouts- such as marathon training- may actually increase the risk of catching a cold.
Drink lots and lots of water and stay warm. Humidity kills viruses so keep your body warm and moist.
By bacteria I mean the good kind...Probiotics (microbes that help strengthen your immune system). You are looking for about 3 servings a day of foods such as yogurt with bacteria, kefir, kimchi (fermented food), etc.
Sleep, sleep, sleep! If you are sleeping less that 7 hours during the week you are 3 times more likely to develop respiratory illness than if you got eight or more hours Archives of Internal Medicine, 2009).
Wash your hands constantly for about 20 seconds (you should be able to sing "Happy Birthday"). If soap is not available use hand sanitizer.
Try and stay away from people who are sick. If this is not possible, help yourself and take Emergen-C or Airbourne.
I hope my blog was compelling enough to see more of you here at the Bronco Fitness Center because exercise really does help! I wish you guys all the best as we are nearing the home stretch of the quarter. Stay fit :)
-Stephanie Sandino
On a different note these next few months are perfect for utilizing those extra calories to add inches to your arms, chest, legs, calves, but hopefully not your waist. Feel free to pack on extra turkey on your plate for added protein. Be cautious of loaded baked potatoes for that complex carbohydrate source and opt for a plain or lightly topped baked potato instead. Also if you must, eat small amounts of simple carbohydrates especially the ones comming from pies and dessert. It doesn't stop here, drinks should also be taken into account. Not only does the average shot of alcohol have over 100 calories most holiday drinks are mixed and sugary cocktail juices are brough into the mix. Drinks like eggnog and hot chocolate are loaded with sugar so drink with caution and drink responsibly.
One of my favorites is the misconception about turkey and holiday drowsiness. Why does this happen? Nope, its not tryptophan. It is actually a combination of overeating along with a high consumption of carbohydrates causing blood-sugar levels to spike and drop drastically. Just a refresher insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas that regulates blood-sugar levels along with other things.
Finally we'll talk about why we overeat. With so much good food in front of your eyes how is one not to supposed to overindulge? Simple. It takes about 20 minutes for the hypothalamus to recieve the signal from the stomach to stop eating. Some of us an eat an entire days worth of calories in 20 minutes by binging on calorically dense foods like pecan pie. So we can avoid this by eating your portions. (See previous Article by Andrew) Then waiting and drinking a few cups of water. This is the time where we socialize and talk about how good your workouts have been going. Then after 20 minutes you're still hungry go ahead and go for 2nds but keep it clean and portioned.
-Noel Cerda